Welcome to our Blog Page!
We are very excited to share updates of our office as well as some great information that you may find of interest. A place we hope all will find helpful and enlightening in your dental health and overall well-being as patients of the Whitehills Dental Family. Attached are 2 links to a couple of great articles. The first article speaks of the benefits to women with Osteoporosis and their choice of tooth replacement. How the choice can better their dental overall health. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150611131517.htm The second article talks about the effects of exclusive breastfeeding and dental malocclusion (bad bites), a reduced risk with breastfed babies up to 6 months for overbites in their growth. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2015/06/09/peds.2014-3276.abstract.
We hope you find these articles informative!